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Page last updated August 26, 2003

© Michael Kluckner

One becomes aware of the town of Discovery mainly because so many of Atlin's buildings were moved there. Why? Apparently, the miners removed most of the town's buildings in order to dig through every bit of dirt and gravel near Pine Creek once the original gold claims were exhausted. Accordingly, there is almost nothing left of Discovery itself – two squared-log cabins along Discovery Road (which continues for many miles into the hinterland to give access presumably to timber leases) and these two dried-out shacks, the near one containing the sorted possessions of a packrat, including an ancient rusted bedstead. The former townsite is now a moonscape of piled gravel (dredge spoil) along Pine Creek (the middleground in the sketch).

Thanks to Brent Slobodin, who was as curious as I was to discover Discovery and drove us out there in 2004.

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Artwork and text ©Michael Kluckner, 2001, 2002, 2003